Monday, January 5, 2009

My Winter Break and New Years Resolution

This winter break have gave be allot of to get the rest that I really needed.Doing the first week i had went to my cousin house and celebrated the holiday with her. On the 23 of December I had got my her done in some micro twist. This is a hair style that i wanted for quite some time now. This was my first year that parents didn't get me a gift. This is one of the things that made me angry. But I still had some money to get my self something that I like. I had went place what was celebrating aids prevention . At this place they were given away free HIV testes. I had really enjoy this event this gave me a chance to see many dance group. This event also introduce me to allot of talented people.The best thing i did this winter break was went ice skating. By it being my first time on ice I felt it would be difficult, but i did good. M y new year revolution is to make i stay on my school work and prepare myself for college.